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A.1 The Populous Bible

The Populous Bible is a Populous fan made site that provides all kinds of information about the game. With topics from A to R, and divided in more than 500 subtopics, you can learn or read by searching your favourite area and picking the subtopic you want to read about. 


But it's more than that! You can actually submit your content (links, photos, information, etc) to our email. After that, we will analise the content and add information or even create a new subtopic with what you gave us! Send anything to ( 


Do you feel like there is something wrong? Maybe some missing information, or something that is actually not right? You can warn us (and send the good or missing information) to our email too, and we will thank you for that! Don't forget, once you contact us, tell us your nickname so we know who sent it, and sometimes to give credit to you!


Don't forget to share this site with your friends, and why don't you try out our game? Go to section "Q" and read the rules before starting! Thank you.


The Populous Bible's content is delivered from the most diverse sources: sites, blogs, emails, knowledge, wikis, etc. If you see any copywrited information or violation, please let us know, so we can fix it! We like to give credit to the source of the information, but we don't always know who to credit. 

All the Populous Bible's content are free of copywright - use it as you'd like, but if possible share our site!



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