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C.30 Earthquake

This is probably the most widely-used destruction spell online. Most people rush with it on levels like Face Off or Pressure Point.

You will unlock this spell on level 13 and you can have a maximum ammount of 2 shots of this spell at once.


Earthquake will create... well, earthquakes, in the ground that will sink huts or break them. Lava is also created within the fault, thus killing any hapless tribesman who falls in. More than 1 earthquake at once can multiply the damage, meaning it can be better to use 2 earthquakes  near the same spot with intrevals of small seconds, rather than using 1 and after many seconds using other - but this does not always apply.


An earthquake or an "eq" as its known in the gaming world for short is a spell which causes devastation and land changing effect. Only on land does this spell cause damage_ casting it in the middle of ocean will case a earthquake but no damage will be done, or land created.


It can damage in a wide range and spills lava killing any who touch it. To avoid death by the eq's lava simply cast the blast spell (or any other cheap spell) until you land on safe ground. This can also be done by blasting your men if they touch lava, to save them.


In high land this spell is not as devestating where as Lava is concerned. Instead, if an EQ is cast on high land in a village it can cause a huge dent in the land making it very hard to move around. This can cause more damage to buildings if cast upon them.


Other damaging effects by the EQ is water openings. Sometimes usually on low land, when an EQ is cast water is created from the craters which are made in the spell. This can cause people to drown and even make buildings submerge!


This spell is almost always avaliable in online gaming, and it's very common to be used in the games.

Some players use landbridge before their opponent’s earthquake collapses to stop buildings from sinking. Try to destroy enemy training huts with it if possible, and if not, as deep as possible in the opponent’s base – as it’s much harder to reach than the front, and you can always easily attack the front, while you may not always be able to attack deep into someone’s base.


Don't forget that lava that comes out of your own earthquakes will harm your tribe's units and buildings, but not your shaman.



When you cast an earthquake you can never know the exact outcome of it, so it is somewhat random - just like some aspects of the tornado, or swarm.

To help us understand this better, let's take a look at the following link:

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