C.43 Worldview
Before we get into worldview, you need to understand that you can play Populous in different 4 camera angles. Typically, the player will get used to one of the first three angles, because the fourth angle (worldview) isn't really a way of playing.
Why? Because you can not do most of the tasks when in worldview - it's only useful for map awareness - but it's still a camera angle.
So, you usually will be playing in the same camera angle (there are 3) but, whichever angle you use to play, worldview is always a angle you will want to use once in a while (some people don't actually like to, but it's a good thing to use).
You can turn to worldview by pressing "enter" or mouse right click in the minimap. You can also get into worldview by changing between the 4 different angles, pressing the keys " ' " or " « ". You will see the camera moving up like you are watching from space (or from the skies, as you are a shaman or a god). You will be able to see the planet which you are on, and the objects on it. The water is the blue parts (unless it's orange water or lava) and the terrain is the rest.
When in worldview, you can navigate around the globe by using the arrows or mouse. You can click and release for faster traveling, or you can hold "SHIFT" and navigate on arrows, to move faster. You can also use a special key (this could be clicking in the mouse scroll, which is called mouse 3) and then move the mouse around. When you want to go back to the normal angle, press enter.
To a faster worldview, use SHIFT+ENTER to go both to worldview and back to normal view.
When on worldview, you can see the planet and starts from your solar system. The music stops when in worldview, so you can hear the space effect sounds.
In worldview you can see the special icons from all units, objects, gaia and scenery - this are some of the icons:
Bird (gaia) - really small orange dot.
Wildman (neutral) - small grey circle.
Brave - small circle of the tribe's color.
Warrior - diamond of the tribe's color.
Preacher - cross of the tribe's color.
Firewarrior - Square of the tribe's color.
Spy - if on your tribe, it's a triangle of the cloaked color. if on enemy's tribe, it's always a circle of the tribe's color (like a brave).
Shaman - big circle of the tribe's color.
Angel of Death - giant circle of the tribe's color.
Hut - shape of the respective building's level (small, medium or large). If it's your own building, you can see how many units are inside, by counting the white dots.
Training/Vehicle Buildings - shape of the respective building. If units are being trained (or building a vehicle), you can see the unit icon and the progress bar.
Boat - icon of a boat of the tribe's color.
Balloon -icon of a balloon of the tribe's color.
Prison - shape of a prison.
Stone Head - shape of a stone head.
Obelysk - shape of a obelysk.
Totem Pole - shape of a totem pole.
Vault of Knowledge - shape of a vault.
Gargoyle - shape of a gargoyle.
Tree - shape of a green tree (close to a triangle).
Reincarnation site's pilars - shape of pilars in circle, of the tribe's color.
Water - Blue parts of the world (unless the water is lava, then it's orangish).
Terrain - Anything that is not water.
- Most spells and/or effects are also visible from worldview, just pay attention to it.
Check the section of the tricks, because you can actually build while in worldview!