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C.52 Context Sensitive Help

Also known as the query button is an in-game button that, when you click it, your mouse pointer gets in the shape of a questionmark ("?"). Now you can click anywhere on the game or panel, and a tab of information will be displayed you to understand about that matter. So all you have to do is click on the context sensitive help icon (the small white questionmark near shaman icon) and then anywhere on the world, depending on what you want to learn.

Inside this encyclopaedia, you have 6 mains topics to navigate through.



- The Control Panel

- The World

- Buildings

- Spells

- Followers

- Commands


Each of these will have more subtopics. You should read them all if you have the time and patience to, specially those who you are not familiarized with.


Note that you can only read the subtopics you already discovered. If a subtopic is discovered, its color will be blue-greenish, and you can read about it there. If a subtopic is not yet discovered (eg.: spy hut, when you are only in level 3), its colour will be yellowish and you can not yet read it.

Once you open the encyclopaedia, the game pauses until you leave. As the game is paused, no time will pass - the only things you can do is navigate in the world - (not with the mouse though, only arrow keys or mouse 3) you can also go to worldview and navigate the globe normally.

The other thing you can do other than navigate, is actually reading and learning, since that was the main point after all.

To close the encyclopaedia, press the X button,"esc", or mouse right click.




After clicking on the query button, a questionmark icon is displayed.

As the questionmark icon is displayed, you can create anywhere to open the context sensitive help.

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