C.56 Units panel
The units panel is the right one on the control panel. It has the symbol of three humans, so it's easy to know where to click to reach it. When selected, the color of the three humans icon will turn different from the other two.
This is probably the hardest panel to get used to, but as you play, you will understand it - and it's quite important to use it too! We will use the image on the right to explain this panel, so take a look at it as you read the explanation.
As you can see, behind the units bar, you have the number of followers in your tribe (113). Then, using that number, you can see that, from those 113, 41 are braves, 28 are warriors, 19 are firewarriors, 20 are preachers and 5 are spies. (41+28+18+20+5=113)
Now, the units panel is diveded into 4 major topics:
- Currently selected followers (Any followers that are selected).
- Idle followers (followers doing nothing - their are just stopped. This followers also give less mana, so are it is not recomendable to have them idle).
- Housed followers (followers that are inside a hut or a tower. Note that if they are getting trained, they are not housed followers, they are busy followers).
- Busy followers (followers that are moving - they could be just walking, building or fighting).
So, you have to look at the columns to see what kind of follower is doing (either idle, busy, etc). This said, take a look at the image.
- The first column talks about all population on your tribe. This means from the 113 followers you own, 0 are selected, 53 are idle, 33 are inside of huts (housed) and 27 are busy.
- Let's watch one more column: You have 19 firewarriors, and 0 are selected, 15 are idle, 0 are housed and 4 are busy.
- One last column to make sure you understand: From your 5 spies, 0 are selected, 5 are idle, 0 are housed and 0 are busy.
Now that you know how this works, take in mind that you can also look at this units panel horizontally. Lets try:
- From the 33 housed units you have, 33 are braves, 0 are warriors, 0 are firewarriors, 0 are preachers and 0 are spies.
- From the 27 busy followers, 0 are braves, 13 are warriors, 4 are firewarriors, 10 are preachers and 0 are spies.
- One last. From the 0 selected units, 0 are braves, 0 are warriors, 0 are firewarriors, 0 are preachers and 0 are spies (obviously).
After this examples, i think you understand what this panel tells. There are many ways of changing what a follower is doing, so he will appear in a different area of the panel.
You can select units from the panel, by mouse left clicking on it. Look at the image and learn the different possibilites.
- If i wanted to select the closer follower of any type, id left click on the bar where the units bar and the number 113 appears. To select the closest 3 followers of any kind, click on it three times (etc.).
- If i wanted to select the closest 4 warriors, i'd do the same, but this time i would click 4 times on the warrior icon bar (where the number "28" is).
- If i wanted to select 7 idle preachers and 10 housed braves, i would click seven times on the bar that says "ZzZ 10" (because that's the preachers column and the idle horizontal row) and additionally, i would click ten times on times on the bar which shows the number "33" (because that's the brave's column and the housed horizonal row). This means i clicked 17 times and now i have 17 followers selected - 7 preachers and 10 braves (now that you would have them selected, the "selected followers horizontal row" would change, and the number 10 would appear on the brave's column and the number 7 on the preacher's column.
If you are reading this for the first time, this might be confusing, but i would recomend you to go into a Populous game and start selecting followers, moving them around, put them idle or housed, etc - while looking at the follower's panel: you will see the numbers changing, and you will understand how it works after some time.
- On a last note, each mouse click will select 1 follower, but if you hold Ctl and click, it will select 5 at once (if you have 4, it will select 4, etc).
- On the other hand, if you hold SHIFT and click, it will select all followers from that category. This is specially useful when you want to select all your population - you just SHIFT+click on the "113 bar" (in this case) and they all will be instantly selected. Note that after you have the 133 selected, you can click on that bar again, and one extra will be selected - the shaman.
Units panel is selected.
Units panel is selected.
Units panel is selected.
Units panel is selected.