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C.60 Hotkeys

For the most part, Populous is a very mouse-heavy game, with hotkeys playing only a minimal secondary role - still, getting used to this hotkeys will allow you to do multitasking way faster than if you do everything manually. The next list will explain you some tricks and hotkeys:

Hold wheel mouse button and drag: scroll at your pace. Has the advantage of being as fast or slow as you want, moving at speeds which cannot be achieved otherwise.


Hold mouse at corners of screen while pressing an arrow key: scroll in that direction at a fast speed.

Scroll lock: Refresh color palette. (press this key if the game’s graphics/colors go wrong).


P: Pauses the game - click again to unpause.


ESC: Options menu.


F1: Populous Encyclopaedia.


F8: Quickload (singleplayer only).


F9: Quicksave (singleplayer only).


Shift+L: Toggle stay selected.


L: Toggle between the follower panel selecting followers which are only close and selecting followers from all over.


M: Send a message (this only works in multiplauer).


G: Order selected units to patrol around shaman .


N: Make all units which are patrolling stop patrolling and perform their action queue.


H: Move camera to your reincarnation site.


D: Make selected units run away in random directions.


TAB+F11: Opens the Cheating bar (only works in singleplayer).


Shift + Z, X, C, V: Memorize camera location in one of 4 slots.


Z, X, C, V: Move camera to memorized location.


SHIFT+ " ' " or SHIFT+ " « ": Adjusts the game speed. Only works in singleplayer.


Insert: Switch to buildings panel.


Home: Switch to spells panel.


Page up: Switch to followers panel.


Shift+click a hut or vehicle: take one man out.


Ctrl: Queue actions; e.g.: ctrl+click on a tree and ctrl+click on the ground would make an unit do both in order.


Ctrl+Alt: Patrol. Multiple points can be specified by clicking several times.


Space bar: rotate building plan. When on flyby mode, it skips the flyby mode.


S: Level status.


Shift+Enter: quickly switch to world view (shift skips the animation).


Enter: switches to world view


Shift + any number from 1 to 6: Assign selected units to a group.


Any numbers from 1 to 6: Select group.


Alt + any number from 1 to 6: Select group and move camera to it.


. (Period key): Move camera to shaman. Also can be done by mouse right clicking in shaman icon.


+ (Plus key): Zoom in.


- (Minus key): Zoom out. (to either normal view, bird’s eye view, or world view).


Shift+click building panel icon: selected followers are distributed between buildings of the kind. Especially useful to train followers. 


Alt+C: take a screen shot.







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