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C.7 Spy

A spy is the only follower who can disguise himself into the color of an enemy tribe currently inhabiting the planet. You will obtain the spy training hut - and therefore build spies - once you reach the level "An Easy Target". 


 Spies are disguised to the player as followers in black jackets, pants and the accompanying color. To the enemy, they are seen as Braves. Their main power is the ability for them to disguise as an enemy brave, sneak into the enemy's base and light huts or trees on fire.


To disguise, simply select one spy, or multiple spies, and click an enemy tribe's color icon on the left panel to the right of the shaman shortcut icon. The icon switches to a masking button and with one simple left click the spy's middle color slowly changes to the selected enemy Tribes color. Spies can only be commanded to sabotage (ignite) trees and enemy structures. For undamaged buildings, the procedure to do this is the same as attacking; simply select the spy and left-click to set it ablaze.


If a spy is not disguised when attempting to set a fire, he will be quickly attacked.

The spy's strength is the lowest of all units, 1 Brave can easily kill a Spy, bare handed in less than 6 seconds whilst leaving the Brave at ¾ health. It approximately takes 3 spies to kill just one Brave.

An enemy Spy lurking in ones base can be uncovered by simply finding one and right clicking them. Another tactic is to set a Spy in a Tower and let him uncover spies attempting to gain entrance to ones base.

Putting a Spy in a Tower will unmask all enemy spies in a large area. Spies have the largest viewing range in a tower of all followers, making them excellent lookouts. Also, all the area under the spy's tower range will be cloaked from world view the same as Fog of War, hiding details about and building or followers in the area.


Spies are not common units to play with in multiplayer.

Spies worldview icon is a triangle.

You can change the color of a vehicle by putting cloaked spies inside.


A good tactic to use with spies is to attack the training huts (warrior, fire warrior, temple and spy hut) or the vehicle huts (boats and balloons) as this will temporarily prevent the enemy from producing any skilled followers or vehicles. Another good tactic is to burn down the enemies defenses so your shaman can walk in safely. An extravagant tactic would be to burn trees on the enemy's territory, in case this was a level with not many trees - this would turn devastating for him!



Spies can burn multiple buildings by holding ctrl then clicking each Hut. This will save you time. Otherwise, you would just have to pay attention to the spies, and click in a single building at a time. Time matters!



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