F.2 Giant Bridge
For this trick, you will need 2 spells: one landbridge and one teleport.
Landbridge can be used with Teleport to make very long bridges between points. As you teleport to one point of the map, if landridge is cast before the teleport spell reaches the casting point, the bridge will go from the shaman's teleported location back to the point it was cast on. Be warned that the bridge will take the shortest path across the world which is not always the most practical. This trick also needs a good timing. Casting the landbridge too early will ruin it, as well as casting it too late - basically, you have to casti it in the fraction of seconds right before the shaman disappears to get teleported to the other point. To make this process easier, if you are not confortable, you can pause the game, to have a better timing when to cast landbridge.
Watch the following video, to see how this intersting trick works, and how it is done!