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F.28 Saving shaman from drowning

As your shaman gets blasted to water by any spell or firewarrior shots, he can avoid the fall damage and survive, by casting a landbridge spell right before she touches the water. This is hard to do, but the more you practice it, the more chance you have to do it right. It also takes good reflexes most of the times. You will only have a fraction of second to click the landbridge on some near terrain, before drowning - if there is no terrain nearby, you can not do this trick.



There are also extreme cases where you suceed on casting the landbridge, but it just will not save you because of something happened. This could be because a player has lag, and the landbridge will not come out in time, or because the player was blasted so strongly that after casting landbridge, he will keep moving and drowns on the edge of the shore (like you can see on this video).





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