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H.1 Glossary

The following glossary consists on vocabulary or acronyms used on Populous world - both online or offline.


w or watch - pay attention (depending on the context, so do not confund it with warrior)


w8 - wait


inc - incoming


sec - wait a second


gb - go back


gj - good job


np - no problem


b - refers to the blue colour tribe or player


r - refers to the red colour tribe or player


y - refers to the yellow colour tribe or player


g - refers to the green colour tribe or player


rs or cor - reincarnation site or circle of reincarnation


click in - in pre-game lobby, set the "ready" option to "yes", so the game can start


populous turn - The Populous engine advances the game every turn. A turn lasts 83.3… milliseconds=1/12 of a second on the default speed


tvb - top versus bottom (blue and red allied against yellow and green)


evo - even vs odd (blue and yellow allied against red and green)


ivo - inner vs outer (blue and green allied against red and yellow)


gg - good game


bg - bad game


bs - bullshit


bd - backdoor


sd or side - sidedoor


w or war - warrior (depending on the context, so do not confund it with pay attention)


fw - firewarrior


troops - units that are not braves or shaman


rush - to atack a player early in the game


double - two players atacking the same opponent at once


stall - send braves to the enemy shaman one by one, in an attempt to slow her down


troop - to perform an attack focusing on causing damage by using units as opposed to spells


camp - to set up a defensive position, taking advantage of high ground or towers with troops and shaman, where you have light and blast range advantage over the enemy


expand - build more, or in case you have no more room, use flatten or landbridges to expand your territory


eq - earthquake spell


lb - landbridge spell


aod - angel of death spell


volc - volcano spell


arma - armageddon spell


tp - teleport spell


fs - firestorm spell


ms - magical shield spell


invi - invisibility spell


torn - tornado spell


pp - pressure point level


fo - face off level


cr or cr8 - craters level


anp or np - a narrow passage level


ds - dead sea level


sess - sessrumnir palace level


tot - two on two level


pop - may refer to population (how many units you have) or can mean populous, so depends on the context


mm - matchmaker


tut - tutorial


nub or noob - newbie, a person who plays bad or is simply new playing the game


rm - rematch








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