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I.3 The Founders and other important members

Populous Reincarnated's most important contributors have ultimately been everyone involved with them at one point or another. Some of the high points would be IncaWarrior and 1/4lb for their work on the Populous Reincarnated websites, TheGabber and Hepple for their work on the first maps, TedTycoon for creating the first Pallete Editor and other utilities, Protonagenet for designing the Leagues table, Khickman for becoming a Mappack Signer, CDPlayer for all of his provided publicity of the game, Alacn for his numerous contributions, and a few others.

Moderators Included into this category are the main Admins as well....TheGabber, IncaWarrior, Alacn and ProtonageNet. Other "Moderators" include cdplayer_TA, Seabass, RuthlesSpy,Walhallah. The latter three moderators work behind the scenes, usually on the forums.

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