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J.11 Traditional vs Skill Leagues

Both leagues are still running, and a player is rated in both of them. Traditional leagues are basically based on the number of wins and games (depending on the game teams), while skill leagues are based on wins and losses (all games counts).


The traditional leagues used to be the only back in the day. They used to measure the activity of a player, rather than the true skill. This is why, later on, the skill leagues were created.


The traditional leagues are simple:


You do not lose any point if you lose a game.

You win 1 point for winning a 1v1 or 2v2 game.

You win 2 points for winning a 1v1v1 or 2v1 game.

You win 3 points for winning a 1v1v1v1 (ffa) or 3v1 game.


This leagues mean that, weather you play good or bad, you can reach the top table quite easily, by playing many games. Also means that you can reach the top rankings by playing against newbie players (meaning your chances of winning are higher), or by doing many 3v1 or 2v1 games against newbies.


Still, the traditional leagues are still up, and some people are still intersted on reaching the top table.


Check the traditional Leagues Here.









The Skill leagues appeared later on. Rather than placing the more active players on the top, it would have a formula to place the better skilled players on the top instead. Obviously it would never be 100% accurate, but it would work quite fine!


This leagues work in a different way:


You might or might not lose points after games, depending on the players ranking, Mu and Sigma, as well as the game outcome.

Generally, winning against higher ranked players will grant you more points, and losing against lower ranked players will remove you more points.

Test maps, unranked games, and games that are not either 1v1 or 2v2, do not count to this league ranking.

You will start decaying points if you go innactive.


This leagues mean that you will have to be careful picking the games you play. The points you lose or win are highly dependent on your (as well as you ally or enemy's) current points, sigma, mu and game outcome.

It is harder to cheat on the league system, as if you noob bash or play against really low players, you might not win any point at all, and you risk yourself of even losing points, if you lose the game. There are also rare situations when you are high ranked and win against a low ranked player, you lose points, so be warned.


The Skill Leagues are still up, and many players still fight for that preacher or perhaps shaman rank! How good are you? Test yourself.


Check the Skill Leagues Here.








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